Regular temperature check and re-calibration of SI4463 if necessary -> done! (firmware 2019_06_16 and above).If you can give me some help, I don't understand a lot standard FEC algo (with all these Maths).
Better FEC algorithm, because currently it is very poor. #NPR RADI FREE#
Please feel free to comment these lists of evolution, and express your requests, or your priorities.
5- Planned or possible evolutions f4hdk. You can now use separated frequencies for downlink and uplink (frequency shift), with one single modem at client side, and 2 modems and a RF duplexer at Master side. I have implemented the FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) feature, which is optional. I have written an article on IEEE-Spectrum. Modems are back for sale! Kits or assembled version.
Document "advanced user guide" updated, refer to "revision history" inside. Solution 3: use a brand new microcontroller (Nucleo L476RG), with a totally new PCB, larger. The existing PCBs (v02, v03, v04) are not compatible at all, new PCB needed. Solution 2: use an external SPI-SRAM in QSPI configuration. It's a shame that I removed this chip inside v04, I'm very sorry, I thought is was useless. For PCB v04, I could provide a (very) cheap add-on board, easy to solder on top of the Nucleo. Solution 1 (prefered): use the existing SPI-SRAM (23LC1024) of PCB v02 or v03. I have 3 options, not decided yet, currently the 3 are under test: Important info : for future features, especially for the Masters, and for improving performances (buffer size), the RAM of the microcontroller is not big enough (64kB). Documentation updated (advanced user guide and introduction) : command "TX_test", adding a fan on the amplifier, setting the MTU to 750 for better performances. v02 and v03 already have the SPI-SRAM, and the future version v05 will have it also. I will provide soon (february) cheap add-on SRAM boards, and a new firmware (compatible with and without this SPI-SRAM). Important info: The solution 1 for upgrading the RAM (see below) is feasible, with external SPI SRAM. Advanced user guide updated, mainly in order to clarify IP config of modems (client modems). rest of the world : soon available at Funtronics - Elekitsorparts Warning, I have limited production capacities. Western-Europe : contact me f4hdkfreefr. You can buy these SPI-SRAM add-on boards from : In order to determine if you need SPI-SRAM upgrade, read the dedicated paragraph inside the "advanced user guide". #NPR RADI UPGRADE#
You can upgrade the hardware of a modem v04 via adding a SPI-SRAM add-on board. Modems v04 (the one sold by Elekitsorparts-Funtronics up to march 2020) don't have the SPI-SRAM (it's my mistake, sorry). Modems v02 and v03 already have this SPI-SRAM chip. The usage of additionnal SPI-SRAM chip improves greatly performances, especially for Masters, by increasing the TX buffer length, and the SRAM chip is automatically detected and activated with the recent firmware 2020_02_23. The RAM of the microcontroller used is too limited to have good performances, especially at Master side. Documentation updated ("Advanced user guide" and "Assembly and programming guide") mainly about SPI-SRAM, about PTT ouptut, and about firmware upgrade.TX_test feature finally debugged and stable.Radio connection establishment time greatly reduced.Big improvement of the quality of IP connection. In case of SPI SRAM present (auto detected), the TX data buffer is increased to 128kB instead of 16kB previously.The modem can now drive an external PA with its GPIO port.Inside Advanced user guide : New recommendation added about daily reboot for modems which are ON 24H/day.Many thanks to Kevin M0AHN who discovered the origin of the problem. Refer to the new version of the "advanced user guide".
Important firmware update about Ethenet mode configuration 10Mb/s or 100Mb/s, half or full duplex it can solve a recurrent problem of packet loss and low datarate. The "command list" table inside annex Annex-1 was totally messed up now it is ok. I have modified the "advanced user guide".